The chart shows the sales ranks for Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands on the PS3, Wii, and Xbox 360, with data captured between May 18, 10 and June 30, 10 The higher the line on the chart, the better the sales rank is for the game 27 days of data were recorded, with a total of thirtyseven sales ranks used in the chart · Over time Sony's underperforming console surged in sales globally In fact, the war between the PS3 behemoth and selfdestructing XboxThe current generation of console wars would have to be one of the most interesting in wars the history of the industry Gone are the days of the original PlayStation dominating the industry with 80 million consoles sold and gone are the days of the 1 vs 1 nature of the 16 bit era

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Wii vs ps3 sales- · Xbox 360 vs PlayStation 3 vs Wii Updated This is partly due to the system going on sale an entire year before the PlayStation 3 and because the0013 · Nintendo raced out to an early lead with soaring Wii sales from 079, and redefined the way we interact with video games, before stumbling in recent years and so far falling flat with the Wii U

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· I wonder if people realize that Madden NFL 07 is PS3's highest selling third party game and third best selling game in the region lol That makes things quite different, especially on the Wii side where there's a small handful of third party · How are the Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3 performing against themselves and each other when compared to previous years?During many days, PS3 sales were GAF's mockery Enjoy!Dedicado a los foreros de Revogamers, Vandal, NEOGAF Spain, Meristation y MASNINcom
· Its ironic that PS3 haters post bad things about PS3 sales every month when they know the reason why its selling the way it is Then when the NPD numbers come, they act as if PS3 has its big gamesPS4 vs Wii U vs Xbox 360 this seems to be the latest buzz in the gaming world The release of Nintendo's Wii U, late last year, and the muchawaited announcement of Sony's PS4 in early 13, has heated up the competition for the ultimate gaming console Here's how the big guns the Sony PS4, Microsoft Xbox 360, and the Nintendo Wii U, hold up against each other · As the Xbox 360 has seen an increase in sales, the PlayStation 3 is at the same level and the Wii has seen a major drop in sales Read on to see an indepth report of the changes
· The PS3 also outsold the other three topselling consoles (Xbox 360, Wii and DS Lite) by 31 That's not all together by 31 but respectively each of those sold roughly the same number"" NotAccording to NPD sales figures, the Xbox 360 has generated more revenue at retail for thirdparty publishers than the PS3 and Wii combined this generation, a very remarkable feat In addition, the attach rate for the Xbox 360 is at a staggering 81 games per console This is far greater than the 55 software tie ratio for Wii and 53 for PS3 · Ok some of you might be thinking "well obviously Wii is winning and you're right But wait 1 second, if you think the Wii is going to win the console wars you must be on something mijito

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· "Compared to last month, which was a fiveweek month as compared to four weeks this month, Wii, PSP and NDS sales increased on an average sales per week basis, while the PS3 and Xbox 360 declined"Although oddly, your Wii vs Gamecube comparison is pretty much right on the money, since the Wii was practically a Gamecube with 50% higher clocks and more RAM Although, its CPU was an indisputable improvement, whereas the Wii U's CPU compared to the Xbox 360/PS3The Wii's total current sales number can be broken down to just over 14 million units sold per year for the 7 years it was in production If you do the same for the PlayStation 2, it comes out to just under 13 million units sold per year for the nearly 13 years the system was in production

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· By Keith C Smith 19 year old Jerry Brown from Brooklyn waited in front of the Sony Store in Manhattan since Monday "It's all about Sony,"With the latest chargeable additions, like Wii Sports and Wii Fit, Nintendo brings a lot more to the table for everyone in the family Wii is definitely way easier on the pocket With the PS3 at $300 and the Xbox 360 at $0 approximately, the Wii standsI was thining about getting a Wii because the Wiimote looks like it is something really neat and innovative But I recently read an arti

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· The PS3, trailing Nintendo Co's Wii and Microsoft Corp's Xbox 360 consoles, was closing in on the No 2 Xbox 360, with new games and quarterly sales growth atThe CPU speed indicates how many processing cycles per second can be executed by a CPU, considering all of its cores (processing units) It is calculated by adding the clock rates of each core or, in the case of multicore processors employing different microarchitectures, of each group ofThe PS3 console is a lot more expensive than the Wii and so is the ongoing cost of buying PS3 games Because the Wii doesn't emphasise graphics as a key feature of the Wii experience, the Wii console is about 30% cheaper than the PS3 The Wii's games are also around 25% cheaper than games for the PS3

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Here we see data representing the global sales through to consumers, and change in · PS3 290k Wii 260k Total sales for these games = Wii 105 million PS3 103 million This is actually alot closer then I would have expected PS3 doesn't seem to be doing all that much worse edit non EA games · The guys over at nexgen wars are compiling uptodate statistics on console sales to date for the Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and Wii At this

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1) There are more Wii tracking websites compared to PS3 tracking websites 2) Currently, there are more PS3 available than Wii Wii is still low in stock 3)Price range of Wii bundles $250$700 Price range of PS3 bundles$395$780 (There is a very large difference between the prices of just the consoles However, the bundle prices · Sony PlayStation 3 sold over 65 million units and the Nintendo Wii is now in last place with only 56 million units worldwide Since 06, this was the first time the Xbox 360 took a sizable lead For the entire year of 11, the Microsoft Xbox 360 has sold over 149 million units globally compared to the 141 million units of the PS3 and 1033 million units of the Wii · The PlayStation 4 had the biggest opening week in the US with sales of 963,127 The Xbox One launched with sales of 652,045 and the Wii U with sales of 421,840 While the PlayStation 4 launched

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The gap between the Wii U and Xbox One also shrunk The PlayStation 4 passed the 11 million mark this month The PS4 has sold 1145 million units lifetime, the Xbox One 579 million units, and the Wii U 735 million units PlayStation 4 Total Sales 11,447,553 Xbox One Total Sales · The chart above shows the sales ranks for Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 on the PS3, Wii, and Xbox 360, with data captured between June 8 and August 9, 10 The higher the line is on the chart, the better the sales ranks are for the game 35 days of data were captured, with fortyone sales ranks used in the chart Highs & Lows0013 · After playing a hard game of catchup, the Playstation 3 finally managed to outsell the Xbox 360 in the lifetime sales comparison of the two consoles according to VGChartz The PS3 has managed to sell 77,313,472 units while the Xbox 360 stays behind with its 77,311,669 units sold by the end of May 13

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· anyone know the sales figure comparisons for the consoles in south africa we always getting for japan and USA cool to know what they are here shot xbox vs wii vs ps3 sales · Plus, a Wii U sales forecast By Colin Moriarty Posted 10 Jan 13 601 am The Xbox 360 has been ahead of PlayStation 3 in the global sales race since the first day the PS3 was released in 062719 · This statistic shows the sales volume development of Nintendo Wii, Sony Playstation 3 and Microsoft Xbox 360 gaming consoles in Germany from 07 to 16 In 11, Sony sold roughly 869,100

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We look at sales data from VGCHartzcom to see how the different formats and versions of Skylanders Giants and Spyro's Adventure sold We also make a compari2) Cena PS3 jest znacznie niższa niż na Xbox Na przykład PS3 o pojemności 160 GB w tej samej cenie co konsola Xbox 360 o pojemności 4 GB Konsola PS3 o pojemności 3 GB była również tańsza niż konsola Xbox 360 o pojemności 250 GB Ceny te pomogłyby w jej wdrożeniu na rynkach wschodzących w AzjiWii Fit is an exergaming video game designed by Nintendo's Hiroshi Matsunaga for the Wii home video game console It is an exercise game with several activities using the Wii Balance Board peripheral As of March 12 Wii Fit was the third best selling console game not packaged with a console, with 2267 million copies sold The game uses a unique platform peripheral called the Wii

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For Wii U on the Wii U, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Wii U vs PS3 vs 360 SALES ACTUAL FACTS" Page 3PS3 vs Wii その明暗を分けたものとは? 07年10月25日、PS3とWiiの販売台数が発表となりました。結果はWiiの圧勝。機能的に圧倒的優位に立つPS3ですが、なぜWiiの独走を許したのか? マーケティングの観点から両者の明暗を分けた謎に迫ります!At first, in Japan, Nintendo seemed to have it made While Sony could do nothing more than call the Wii an "impulse buy", Nintendo was outselling the competition by 61 However, nowadays, it seems as though what Sony said a few months back is ringing true Wii sales are falling in Japan, as PS3 sales begin to rise

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· Wii 763k >> 1062k (392%) DS 1124k >> 1012k (100%) Xbox 360 397k >> 425k (71%) PSP 58k >> 535k (78%) Playstation 3 197k >> 398k (102%) And the even more importantThe PlayStation 3 is Sony's system for gaming's seventh generation It competes with the Wii and the Xbox 360 It is the successor to the PlayStation 2 Its successor is the PlayStation 4 1 Production costs 2 PlayStation 3 hardware sales figures 3 PlayStation 3 software sales figures 4 PlayStation 3 successes and failures 5 Best selling PS3 games 51 United States only 6 Sales · Since the company hit exactly 100 million sales three months ago, the total is now at 1028 million, meaning the PS4 has outsold the original PlayStation

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· Mostly the Move because the games are better on the Playstation vs the Wii as far as shooters, and the HD output helps that case as well I'm sure the next iteration of the WiiObviously, the Wii holds the favor here Aside from the price, most of the Nintendo Wii vs PS3 comparisons has revealed that the PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Wii differ significantly in terms of their builtin processor The PS3, in the first place, was designed with a processor that is so powerful using the Cell Broadband Engine

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